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Campus Committees

Committees below are listed in alphabetical order. Scroll down to continue or use the links below to jump to the designated section.

A-C     D-I     L-O     P-W

If you have a committee you’d like to add, please contact Erin Thompson, enkt@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0483.



    AA Program Review Committee


    Description: “Schedule and plan the assessment of the college’s general education learning outcomes. Make recommendations and facilitate appropriate activities to ensure that degree programs are meeting the needs of our students.”

    Membership requirement/eligibility: The Chair of the Program Review Committee must be a Leeward CC faculty member, should have some experience with program review as well as course and/or program assessment, but need not be in the Faculty Senate. Membership of committee itself is composed of broad campus representation that relates to the program.
    Currently accepting members? No

    Administrative Support Group (ASG)

    Contact: Tiffany Kasoga
    Email/Phone: kasogat@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0511

    Description: To provide input and advice regarding campus priorities and to provide a forum to exchange information within our group.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: The membership shall include all civil service full-time/part-time white collar employees in the following classifications: account clerks, cashiers, library assistants, library technicians, office assistants, and secretaries. Temporary and emergency hire personnel are invited to participate as a non-voting member.
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    Administrative, Professional, and Technical Group

    Contact: Lynn Fujikawa
    Email/Phone: lynnfuji@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0639


    • Exchange information relevant to the APT Group membership and classification.
    • Provide a forum through which APT concerns may be discussed and addressed.
    • Participate in the decision making and self-governance process of the College through the Campus Council and other ad hoc and standing committees.
    • Provide an interpersonal and professional networking environment for members.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Administrative Professional Technical Group membership is open to APTs (not inclusive of casual hire equivalent) of Leeward Community College.
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    Board of Student Communications

    Contact: Lexer Chou
    Email/Phone: achou@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0248

    Description: The BOSC shall act as publisher for all student communications supported, in whole or part, by BOSC funds, and shall ensure that these communications uphold the core values of Leeward CC, support the educational and personal growth of the student population, and encourage student support and involvement in the production of these publications. The BOSC shall be mandated to provide a schedule of publications sensitive to the needs and interests of the entire campus.

    Membership requirement/eligibility:

    The BOSC shall consist of seven (7) voting members, to be selected as set forth in Article I of the BOSC By-Laws, and a variable number of non-voting associate members.

    • There shall be five (5) faculty/staff members, to include:
      • At least one faculty member from Language Arts (LA).
      • At least one faculty member from Digital Media, TV Production, Career Technical Education and/or Arts and Humanities.
      • Two faculty from any other Academic Division or Support Area (Faculty At-Large).
      • The Marketing Director for Leeward CC.
    • There shall be no more than two (2) student members, to include:
      • One member of the Leeward CC student body-at-large, as recommended by the Faculty members on BOSC.
      • One member of the Leeward CC Student Government.
    • The following individuals shall be afforded non-voting associate membership to the BOSC:
      • The Advisor for each BOSC-supported production.
      • One member of the Leeward CC Administration.
      • The Leeward CC Student Life Coordinator.

    Terms of Membership

    • All voting members serve a minimum of two consecutive semesters. The term may be extended indefinitely.
    • Should the BOSC deem it in the best interest of the board, any voting or non-voting member may be removed by a majority vote.


    • As per Article V, section A: All faculty/staff members must be employed on a full-time basis.
    • All voting student members must meet the following qualifications:
      • Have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 at the time of appointment and maintain a Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 for each semester served.
      • Carry at least three (3) credit hours for the duration of appointment.
    • All publication advisors must be active members of the Leeward CC faculty, staff or administration.

    Currently accepting members? No

    Book Club

    Contact: Kelsie Aguilera and Kelly Kennedy
    Email/Phone: kelsieag@hawaii.edu and mcclanah@hawaii.edu


    • To read together and share our thoughts and questions about what we read.
    • To relate what we read to our work at Leeward.
    • To connect with and learn from each other across disciplines, divisions, and units.

    Ultimately, we strive to relate our reading and learning to the students and communities we serve, helping us fulfill the College’s mission of working together to nurture and inspire all students.”

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Anyone who works at Leeward can become a Book Club member!
    Currently accepting members? Yes!

    Campus Council

    Contact: Wayde Oshiro, Chair, Lexer Chou, Vice-Chair, Danny Wyatt, Vice-Chair
    Email/Phone: waydeo@hawaii.edu, achou@hawaii.edu, dwyatt@hawaii.edu
    (808) 455-0627, (808) 455-0367, (808) 455-0378

    Description: The Campus Council, established in January 1995, serves as the recommending and advisory body in matters relating to the priorities for the direction of the College, especially in regard to budget planning and resource allocation. Representing a broad cross-section of College constituencies, the Council recommends priorities to the chancellor, vice president for community colleges, and Board of Regents.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Be a chair, vice chair, coordinator, or representative of Academic Services, Administrative Support Group, APT Group, Arts and Humanities Division, Business Division, Faculty Senate, Language Arts Division, Lecturer Group, Math and Sciences Division, Pūkoʻa no Nā ʻEwa Council, Kīpuka, Native Hawaiian Center at Puʻuloa, Office of Workforce Development, Operations and Maintenance Group, Professional Arts and Technology Division, Social Sciences Division, Student Government, Student Services, or Waiʻanae Moku.
    Currently accepting members? Membership changes each year, depending on the chair, vice chair, coordinator, or representative changes.

    Commencement Ceremony Committee

    Contact: Lexer Chou
    Email/Phone: achou@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0248

    Description: We oversee the policymaking for Commencement Ceremony

    Membership requirement/eligibility: N/A
    Currently accepting members? Only from Faculty Senate

    Creativi-Tea Committee

    Contact: Anika Gearhart-Edwards and Anuschka Faucci
    Email/Phone: anikag@hawaii.edu and anuschka@hawaii.edu

    Description: The Creativi-Tea Committee endeavors to promote relaxing and taking healthy breaks, fosters creativity and community, and coordinates community service projects that benefit the Leeward and broader community.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Anyone can join!
    Currently accepting members? Yes!

    Curriculum Committee

    Contact: Jiajia Garcia
    Email/Phone: jiajia@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0415

    Description: Review new, modifications and deletions of all course and programs.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Faculty who are C-2 or higher.
    Currently accepting members? Membership appointed by Division Chair.


    Discovery Fair

    Contact: Jenny Watada
    Email/Phone: jwatada@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0255

    Description: The Discovery Fair provides the community with a family-oriented day of engaging educational exhibits. Hands-on educational activities for children 5 years or older showcases that learning at Leeward CC is fun and functional.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: All members of Leeward CC can be on the committee. This includes faculty, lecturers, staff, administration, clerical, and O&M.
    Currently accepting members? Any interested member of the Leeward CC is welcome to inquire about joining the committee.

    Distance Education Committee

    Contact: Evelyn Wong, Kelsie Aguilera, and Cara Chang
    Email/Phone: eswong@hawaii.edu, kelsieag@hawaii.edu, cmchang@hawaii.edu

    Description: As a standing committee of the faculty senate, we support and ensure quality distance education at Leeward Community College.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Appointment by division chair and/or invitation. One representation from each division.
    Currently accepting members? No.
    Comments, additional information: Faculty Senate Webpage

    Ethical Issues (E) Focus Board

    Contact: Luukia Archer
    Email/Phone: archer@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0660

    Description: To review faculty applications to apply for E Focus. E Focus Board is a subcommittee of FS’ General Education Standing Committee

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Faculty member
    Currently accepting members? No, not at this time
    Comments, additional information: See Leeward CC website.

    Faculty Senate

    Contact: Michael Oishi
    Email/Phone: mtoishi@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0628

    Description: To review, recommend, and advise on matters of academic policy that affect the college.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: All faculty rank C-2 or higher; all lecturers teaching 8 teaching equivalencies.
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    Faculty Senate Assessment Committee

    Contact: Michele Mahi
    Email/Phone: mhamada@hawaii.edu

    Description: Review and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate on policies and procedures relating to assessment. Work with the Administration and the Office of Planning, Policy, and Assessment (OPPA) to facilitate the assessment process and establish a culture of assessment.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Faculty and Staff interested in assessment.
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    General Education

    Contact: Michelle Igarashi
    Email/Phone: migarash@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0236

    Description: The General Education Committee affirms the core designations for the AA core. Foundations is a General Education Board.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: General Education: Focus or Diversification chair
    Foundations: One faculty representative per instructional division
    Currently accepting members? The Foundations Board is seeking a PAT representative
    Comments, additional information:
    See Leeward’s General Education Committee website.

    Global Studies Committee

    Contact: Abdul Karim Khan
    Email/Phone: khana@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0358

    Description: Global Studies Committee takes care of the Global Studies Lecture Series, and Global Studies Certificate Program.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Any part time or full time faculty and staff can become member of the Global Studies Committee.
    Currently accepting members? Yes
    Comments, additional information: Please let us know if you or any colleague would be interested in giving a presentation on any foreign country or culture or any issue of global significance.

    Hawaiʻi Asian and Pacific Issues (H) Focus Designation Committee

    Contact: Kaleʻa Silva
    Email/Phone: jaydene@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0397

    Description: The H Focus requirements identify important skills and discourses necessary for living and working in diverse communities, such as Hawaiʻi. The Focus requirements can be satisfied through major courses and Diversification courses. All courses identified as HAP in the Leeward CC Schedule of Classes and MyUH will transfer as satisfying the UHM HAP Focus requirement. Our committee reviews and approves, or makes recommendations to applications for H Designation biannually.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: tba
    Currently accepting members? Not currently seeking new members.
    Comments, additional information: http://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/hap.

    Health and Wellness Committee

    Contact: Anika Gearhart-Edwards and Christina Keaulana
    Email/Phone: anikag@hawaii.edu and ctk8@hawaii.edu

    Description: The Leeward Wellness Committee strives to create a work/life balance by improving positive well-being through educational activities and information for individuals and groups.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Anyone can join!
    Currently accepting members? Yes!
    Comments, additional information: We also have an email address, leebwell@hawaii.edu


    Innovation Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee

    Contact: Erin Thompson
    Email/Phone: enkt@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0543

    Description: The ICTL Advisory Board assists the coordinator of the Innovation Center for Teaching and Learning in implementing projects, distributing funds, selecting awardees, and providing other support services related to the professional development programming of the college.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Members on the Advisory Board represent all divisions and employee groups. This includes faculty, staff, administration, clerical, O&M, and a student representative. When board openings occur, the ICTL coordinator works with the divisions and employee groups to solicit replacement recommendations.
    Currently accepting members? Any interested employees are welcome to inquire about joining the board and can be informed when openings become available.


    Lecturer Mentor Group

    Contact: Sharolyn Pastor
    Email: spastor@hawaii.edu

    Description: Members of the Lecturers’ Group discuss common issues and concerns and provide input for professional development needs of lecturers at Leeward CC. This group provides a means for lecturers to participate in campus governance on the Faculty Senate as well as the Campus Council.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Teaching at least 8 TEs or more per semester.
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    Leeward CC Faculty Senate Academic and Institutional Support (AIS) Committee

    Contact: Sania Fa’amaile Betty Ickes, Chair
    Email/Phone: ickes@hawaii.edu, (808) 352-0608

    Description: The primary purpose of the AIS Committee is to advocate for safe, fully-functional, and accessible work spaces and equipment for all personnel and students at Leeward Community College. The AIS Committee follows-up on ongoing concerns initially reported to Administrative Services.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Ideally, the AIS Committee seeks representatives from all Divisions/Units. The Committee would welcome representatives from the Waianae Moku Center, Kipuka, the Office of International Programs, and the Business Division. Ex officio, non-voting committee, members include a representative from Student Government, the Faculty Senate Chair, and the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services.
    Currently accepting members? The Committee would welcome representatives from the Waianae Moku Center, Kipuka, the Office of International Programs, and the Business Division.

    Leeward CC OER Committee

    Contact: Jason Yamashita
    Email/Phone: jasonty@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0674

    Description: The Leeward CC Open Educational Resources (OER) Committee will promote awareness, develop recommendations, guidelines, and standards for the integration and sustainability of OER across the curriculum. The committee will work toward meeting the OER Project Initiative commitment of “eliminating barriers to quality higher education through the adoption of open education practices.”

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Our committee strives to get representation from all divisions and recommends a three-year rotation.
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    Leeward Community College Pamantasan Committee

    Contact: Allan Nebrija, Leon Florendo
    Email/Phone: anebrija@hawaii.edu, leonflor@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0405, (808) 455-0707

    Description: We together sustain and strengthen the commitment to the advancement of Filipinos/Filipinas/Filipinx in higher education. We coordinate events that promote awareness of Filipinos/Filipinas/Filipinx including Filipino American History Month, Fil-Grad.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Open membership to anyone
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    Leeward Hui ‘Ohana

    Contact: Nicole Keim-Fortuno
    Email/Phone: keim@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0432
    Visit Website

    Description: Leeward Hui ‘Ohana is a group of faculty established in Fall 2019 committed to advocating for and supporting the unique needs of students who are also parents and/or caring for family members. Leeward Hui ‘Ohana offers resources such as support group meetings, parenting and family workshops, free diapers, wipes, gently used clothing, books, and toys, and connection to other campus and community resources for essential needs in order to be successful in college.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: No requirement to join!
    Currently accepting members? Yes
    Comments, additional information: For more information, please contact any of our members: Ashely Biddle (ammorris@hawaii.edu), Corey Adler (cadler@hawaii.edu), Nicole Keim-Fortuno (keim@hawaii.edu), Kelly Kennedy (mcclanah@hawaii.edu), Kenisha Strong-Ruiz (kmstrong@hawaii.edu)

    Legislative Relations

    Contact: Erika Molyneux
    Email/Phone: erikaj@hawaii.edu

    Description: Apprise Faculty Senate of activities at the Legislature that will impact the mission of Leeward CC.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Leeward CC faculty
    Currently accepting members? Yes
    Comments, additional information: If you’re motivated to inform yourself and others of local political and legislative issues affecting our school, this committee is for you!

    Love Pono

    Contact: Lexer Chou
    Email/Phone: achou@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0248

    Description: Love Pono’s mission is “to provide a safe environment to help the Leeward Community College community build and maintain healthy relationships through education, intervention, campus and community resources, and counseling.”

    Membership requirement/eligibility: It’s helpful to have some experience with violence prevention
    Currently accepting members? Yes always

    Observatory Committee

    Contact: Kakkala “Mohan” Mohanan (chair), William Albritton (secretary)
    Email/Phone: kakkala@hawaii.edu, walbritt@hawaii.edu, x442, x252

    Description: To maintain, prepare, and promote the observatory to be used for teaching, research, and community outreach.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Breathing…
    Currently accepting members? Yes
    Comments, additional information: We need people to actively participate in the following activities: (1) learn how to open up and use the observatory equipment, (2) write a grant, asking for student help, an observatory manager (similar to a lab manager), and/or equipment, (3) create some new classes and maybe a certificate based on the observatory. Ideally, we would like to see the observatory be used for classes/labs and research projects every late afternoon and evening during the week, similar to how the labs are run.

    Oral Communication Focus Board

    Contact: Michele Mahi
    Email/Phone: mhamada@hawaii.edu

    Description: The OC Focus Board is responsible for reviewing and approving proposals for new OC courses and proposals for the renewal of existing OC courses.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Instructional faculty
    Currently accepting members? No


    PALs (Parents at Leeward)

    Contact: Cara Chang and Ashley Biddle
    Email/Phone: cmchang@hawaii.edu; ammorris@hawaii.edu

    Description: This support group is a subset of the Health and Wellness Committee. The goal is to support faculty and staff with children. Meetings are informal (both synchronous and asynchronous) in nature and consist of sharing the triumphs and challenges of working while raising children.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Any faculty or staff with children
    Currently accepting members? Yes, we are an open support group.

    Pūkoʻa no nā ʻEwa Council

    Contact: Genai Uʻilani Keliʻikuli, Chair
    Email/Phone: genai@hawaii.edu, (808) 454-4717

    Description: Grounded in Hawaiian values, the mission of Nā ʻEwa is to provide advocacy, leadership, and support for Native Hawaiians through higher education.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: All faculty, staff, and students at Leeward Community College are eligible for membership. Members are of Hawaiian ancestry, have voting rights, and may hold office. Consultants are those who support our vision and mission but do not have voting rights nor may hold office.
    Currently accepting members? Always

    Service Committee

    Contact: Tina Lee
    Email/Phone: tinaplee@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0348

    Description: To identify the needs for service in our Leeward community and find meaningful ways to fulfill those needs through service projects and volunteer opportunities.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Membership for the Service Committee is open to all members of Leeward Community College. Members must participate in a minimum of one other service project or community event per semester.
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    Social Justice League

    Contact: Syreeta Washington
    Email/Phone: SyreetaW@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0221

    Description: The Social Justice Committee aims to provide a professional development opportunity that is in line with Leeward’s core values as it relates to diversity and respect (Kākoʻo a Hōʻihi i nā kānaka like ʻole) and community (Kaiāulu). It also relates to ICTL’s Goal #1 to “build community as a catalyst for progress.” Our intention is to educate and build awareness, especially on diversity and equity issues. This is not an activist nor a political group, but rather, a professional development opportunity that will bring individuals together to heighten awareness of current and historical events and how knowledge and understanding of these events can impact teaching and learning.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Any Leeward staff member can join
    Currently accepting members? Yes
    Comments, additional information: “Social justice” is a commonly used academic term and one of the goals of higher education. One NASW definition is: “Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.” Education is the ultimate equalizer in terms of that and this committee can help build awareness.

    Student Affairs Committee

    Contact: Leon Florendo and Allan Nebrija
    Email/Phone: leonflor@hawaii.edu and anebrija@hawaii.edu, (808) 454-4707 and (808) 455-0405

    Description: The Student Affairs Committee functions as part of the Faculty Senate, and deals with campus issues that directly affect the student body.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Rank or C-2 or above.
    Currently accepting members? No

    Sustainability Committee

    Contact: Natalie Wahl
    Email/Phone: nwahl@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0673

    Description: Leeward Community College’s Sustainability Committee is comprised of students, staff, and faculty members dedicated to fostering a more sustainable campus and community through education, activities, and initiatives.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Leeward CC students, staff, and faculty
    Currently accepting members? Yes
    Comments, additional information: https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/sustainability

    Sustainability Designation Committee (S-Designation)

    Contact: Cara Chang and Bruce Lindquist
    Email/Phone: cmchang@hawaii.edu and brucelin@hawaii.edu, 808-455-0335 and 808-455-0633

    Description: The goal of the S (Sustainability)- designation is to ensure that higher education remains relevant in the context of an increasingly complex, rapidly changing world. There is an increased need to understand and convey in our courses the impacts we have on the environment, climate change and resilience and come up with ways to repair, restore and regenerate the biological systems that human activity has compromised. The incorporation of sustainability into curricula across disciplines will provide knowledge and skills that will be needed in an uncertain future. This aligns with Leeward’s mission: “We foster students to become responsible global citizens locally, nationally, and internationally.”

    This committee focuses on approving S-Focused courses. S-Focused (SF) courses focus primarily on sustainability from within a given academic discipline and/or the course will examine an issue or topic using sustainability as a lens. The S-Designation is a special designation and not a general education or focus requirement.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Interested faculty may inquire about membership.
    Currently accepting members? Interested faculty may inquire about membership.


    Contact: Frances Won
    Email/Phone: fwon@hawaii.edu

    Description: Provide various professional development workshops for faculty.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: None
    Currently accepting members? Yes

    The Integrated Student Support Task Force

    Contact: Michelle Igarashi
    Email/Phone: migarash@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0236

    Description: The Integrated Student Support Task Force (ISS) identifies barriers to student success and then locates, evaluates, implements and/or creates services to help overcome these roadblocks. In the 2019-2020 academic year, the team’s focus was on part-time students. Tasked with establishing long-term strategies, the committee voted to suspend activity during COVID-19.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Representatives from a cross-section of campus personnel including administration, OPPA, faculty, academic and student services
    Currently accepting members? No

    Welcome Committee

    Contact: Junie Hayashi
    Email/Phone: junie@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0680

    Description: The Welcome Committee relies on faculty and staff volunteers to answer students’ questions, direct them to available resources, and welcome them to the campus on the first two days of every semester.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: No requirements, everyone is eligible
    Currently accepting members? We accept volunteers for the first two days of every semester.
    Comments, additional information: Please let me know if you need more information.

    Writing Intensive Focus Board

    Contact: Cara Chang
    Email/Phone: cmchang@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0335

    Description: The Writing-Intensive Focus Board is responsible for reviewing and approving proposals for new writing-intensive courses and the renewal of existing writing-intensive courses. Proposal forms and course syllabi are reviewed by the Board to ensure compliance with the Leeward CC Hallmarks of Writing-Intensive Courses: https://sites.google.com/site/leewardccwifocus/faq/writing-intensive-hal….

    The board is also responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the writing-intensive program, as well as coordinating workshops and other campus events that promote writing-intensive course development, writing across the curriculum, and the appreciation of writing.

    Membership requirement/eligibility: Course-based WI courses may have a coordinator serving on the Board. Faculty interested in the writing-intensive program may inquire about membership.
    Currently accepting members? Interested faculty may inquire about membership.


    The Library provides quality resources and services including online and print resources, computers and equipment, research assistance and support, and study spaces across two floors of the Learning Commons building.


    The Learning Resource Center (LRC) and Writing Center offer free support for Leeward CC content courses and writing assignments. Our peer tutors are fellow students who are also available to help with scholarship essays and college success skills (including Laulima, OER, time management, organization, note-taking, and reading).