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Business Office

Business Office Forms

Kuali Build Forms

LEE TFSF Reallocate Funds Use to request the transfer of Tuition and Fees Funds
LEE – CCRF Transfer Funds Use to request the transfer of Revolving Funds


UH-Leeward CC Forms

Asset/Equipment Transfer – Form 74 To transfer asset/equipment
Asset Retirement/Disposal Application – Form 76 To retire and dispose asset/equipment
Membership in Professional or Trade Organization – Form 73 To request approval to purchase Institutional membership with a Designated representative


Procurement Forms:


FSO-30 IDO-Interdepartmental Order

To order goods/services from a University provider. The requesting department completes the form and transmits the order to the providing

department. The providing department charges the requesting department based on the accounting line information.

OPM Form 56-Purchase of Meals and Refreshments Purchase of Meals and Refreshments
OPM Form 63-University of Hawaii Services Contract Departments requiring specialized skills, knowledge, resources and experience which cannot be provided by existing personnel may obtain such services from vendors on a contractual basis. A service contract should not be used to circumvent employment procedures. When using the services contract be sure to state in the scope of work what is to be done in detail so both parties understand what is expected.
OPM Form 65-Request for Sole Source Required when obtaining goods, services, or construction > or = $5,000 and is available from ONLY ONE SOURCE.
OPM Form 95-Determination of Cost or Price Reasonableness Required for all purchases > or = $5,000; where only ONE quote received or if more than one quote is received and lowest quote was not selected. All sole source purchases need this form.
OPM Form 136-Purchase of Meals, Refreshments, and Protocol Items with Special, Revolving, and/or Endowment Funds. Required when purchasing food, drinks, and protocol items. Protocol items may include but shall not be limited to: printed/embroidered shirts for various programs, promotional banners, promotional items such as imprinted binders, pens/pencils, visors, bottles, leis, etc.
OPM Form 144-Sole Brand Justification Required for purchases > or = $5,000 and specifying a SPECIFIC BRAND/MODEL and no other substitutions can be made. If you are using Superquote to obtain a competitive price, please be aware if you don’t have a blurb such as “specified brand/model or approved equivalent” this form will need to be utilized.
PM Form 152-Request for Emergency Procurement Request for Emergency Procurement
OPM Form 154-Request for Advance Payment and/or Deposit Used to receive Chancellor approval to pay or make a deposit to a vendor in advance of receiving goods or services not covered under exceptions listed in APM A8.275.4.h.2.c


Contact Us

Business Office
AD 113


Fiscal: Monday – Friday: 7:45am – 4:30pm
Cashier: Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 4:30pm


Fiscal: Main (808) 455-0324
Cashier: Main (808) 455-0308
Fax: (808) 455-0229

Fiscal Manager:
Myrna M. Patterson
(808) 455-0325

Assistant Fiscal Manager:
Joy Morisawa-Au Hoy
(808) 455-0304

Staff (Fiscal):
Brynn (Hana) Manuel
(808) 455-0648

Kellie Ballina
(808) 455-0653


Contracts and Grants:
Jamie Hernandez (part-time casual)
(808) 455-0322

Banner/Student Accounts:
Patty Umetsu
(808) 455-0328

Cashier – Vacant:
(808) 455-0656