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Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Issues Focus

Hawaiian, Asian and
(H) Focus Designation

The Focus requirements identify important skills and discourses necessary for living and working in diverse communities, such as Hawai‘i. The Focus requirements can be satisfied through major courses and Diversification courses.

HAP Designation Packet
HAP Course Designation Application

How do I apply for the HAP


Approval is given to an instructor + course combination. Thus, each person who is teaching a section of the course must submit his or her own proposal to be approved. Once approved, the course section(s) will be designated as satisfying the HAP Focus requirement for three (3) years. At the end of the approval period, the designation can be renewed for five (5) years.


Course-based designations are for courses that inherently meet the H-focus hallmarks and all sections of the course will be offered as H-focus. These courses must fit the following criteria:

  1. Inherency of Focus* – All course syllabi demonstrate that the course meets the Hallmarks of the Focus designation requested, either because the Focus is inherently a part of the course content, or because the discipline has dictated that all sections of the course will meet the Focus Hallmarks.
  2. Focus course coordinator – The discipline must designate a Course Coordinator who will ensure that all course instructors are aware of the course’s Focus designation and teach the course in accordance with the Focus Hallmarks. This Course Coordinator will report to the HAP regarding approved instructors.

Course-based applications are approved for a (5) five year term.

*Notes on the “Inherency of Focus” criterion – (1) The course may meet the Hallmarks either because (a) course content dictates it or (b) discipline policy dictates it. (2) Courses that involve content relating to a Focus area but can be taught without meeting all of the Focus Hallmarks do not meet the inherency criterion. For example, a course may involve writing but provide little guided writing instruction. That course is not inherently Writing Intensive. (3) Courses for which one instructor has developed a syllabus that meets the Focus Hallmarks, but which other instructors can teach without meeting all of the Focus Hallmarks, do not meet the inherency criterion.


Once you have determined whether you are applying for instructor-based or course based designation, submit the appropriate application form and supporting documents to the Leeward Community College HAP Board. The HAP Board accepts application each semester (effective the following semester).

If the Board determines that the proposal does not adequately address the Hallmarks, the proposal may be revised and resubmitted. If the course needs substantial revision, Curriculum Committee action will be required.


If a new course is being developed, it may be submitted simultaneously to both the Curriculum Committee and the HAP Board, but the Board will wait for a Curriculum decision by Faculty Senate before acting.

All approved syllabi must include the following statement:

This is an HAP designated course, which covers the intersection between Native Hawaiians, Asians and Pacific Islanders. This course counts as an H-focus course towards all Associate of Arts Degree at Leeward Community College and transfers to all participating campuses in the UH system.

Terms and Restrictions

  • For first time designees, the H-focus designation may be given only for a 3-year period. Thereafter, renewals of the previously approved course and instructor last 5 years at a time.
  • Once given a H-focus designation, the course cannot have a Foundations designation.
  • For both instructor-based and course-based designations, the course with that specific instructor will carry the H-focus designation and be required to meet the Hallmarks each time the course is taught.
  • Designations will not be awarded to un-staffed sections

Associate of Arts Degree Requirements

Leeward Community College requires students to take one (3 credit) Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific (H-focus) course as part of the Associate of Arts Degree.

For more information go to the Leeward Community College A.A. Requirements page.

Articulation to Mānoa

A HAP multi-campus articulation agreement has been signed. As a result, course sections offered in Spring 2009 or later that have been given a HAP designation at Honolulu CC, Kapiolani CC, Kauai CC, Leeward CC, Maui College, Windward CC, UH Mānoa, and/or UH West Oʻahu will articulate to any of the other participating campuses as fulfilling the HAP Focus requirement.

For more information go to the UH Mānoa Focus homepage.

Leeward Community College HAP Approvals

Course-based designations are for courses that inherently meet the H-focus hallmarks and all sections of the course will be offered as H-focus regardless of instructor. Individual instructor approval by the HAP committee is not necessary.

Course-Based HAP Approvals

HWST 107 Fall 2019 Summer 2024

Instructor-Based HAP Approvals

ENG 200 C. Chang Fall 2022 Summer 2025
HWST 105 G. Keliikuli Fall 2019 Summer 2024
HIST 284 B. Ickes Fall 2020 Summer2025
HIST 288 B. Ickes Fall 2021 Summer 2025
PACS 108 T. Losch Fall 2020 Summer 2024
PACS 108 C. Blair-Stahn Spring 2021 Spring 2025
POLS 180 L. Archer Fall 2019 Summer 2022
POLS 180 L. Archer Fall 2022 Summer 2027

For past effective dates see the UH Mānoa site.
All courses identified as HAP in the Leeward CC Schedule of Classes and MyUH will transfer as satisfying the UHM HAP Focus requirement.

Due Dates

September 9, 2022 Spring 2023

Board Members 2020-2021

Kaleʻa Silva – HAP Chair, Social Sciences
jaydene@hawaii.edu, (808) 455–0397

  • Joseph Kepa Badis, Language Arts
  • Faʻamaile Ickes, Arts & Humanities
  • Momi Kamahele, Arts & Humantities
  • John Laimana, Arts & Humanities