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Campus Governance

Administrative Support Group

The Administrative Support Group (ASG) is comprised of all civil service full-time/part-time white collar employees in the following classifications: account clerks, cashiers, library assistants, library technicians, office assistants, and secretaries employed at Leeward Community College. Temporary and emergency hire personnel are invited to participate as a non-voting member.


  1. To promote professional interaction, problem solving, and discussion of professional issues;
  2. To encourage camaraderie through professional and community service; and,
  3. To provide educational programs and support for the purpose of professional development.
  4. To participate on the Campus Council and various campus committees.

The ASG participates on the Leeward CC Campus Council and members serve on committees such as the Professional Development Day Planning Committee, Family Fun Fair Planning Committee, the ASG Summer Institute Planning Committee, hiring comittees, and the Accreditation Self-Study Commitee. Members also provide their time and talents for the many events held on campus for students, faculty, and staff.

The ASG implemented the Learning and Mentoring Program to assist members with improving their job effectiveness and to give members the opportunity to understand other job/office functions through job shadowing.

APT Group

The APT Group represents the Administrative/Professional/Technical (APT) staff of the College. The group meets regularly to discuss common issues, professional development and participation in campus governance. A member of the APT staff serves on the Campus Council.

The APT Group believes in “giving back” to the College. Examples include the donation of funds for new outdoor seating and tables and support for the annual Student Employee of the Year luncheon.

Facilitator: Lynn Fujikawa, (808) 455-0639, lynnfuji@hawaii.edu

Division Chairs
Information coming soon.

Operations and Maintenance Group

The Operations and Maintenance Group provides a way for its members to:

  1. Fully participate in the shared governance of the College.
  2. Promote improved communications between the Operations and Maintenance staff and the Leeward CC community.
  3. Improve their work environment and productivity at Leeward CC.
  4. Promote a continuing program of staff development and training.