Procedures and Policies
Please read through our procedures and policies before submitting your request.
Keep your Student record updated
- Make sure you’re going to meet all of your degree requirements.
Keep your student record updated.
Creative Services Procedures
All materials going off-campus or to our “external audience,” presenting information about the College and its programs, or with significant exposure (advertising – print, online, broadcast) should be reviewed and approved by Creative Services. Email us if you have materials or a project that needs approval.
You may be asked to provide paper or printing costs if the marketing budget does not cover your project. If your project is funded by a grant, please check with the Principal Investigator to see if the grant can help cover costs. Due to the limited amount of funds, we ask that personal projects be handled off campus.
In order to help us fulfill the wide variety of requests on campus, please follow these steps and familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures. Requests should be made for all advertising, print and electronic collateral, website updates, promotional items (SWAG), signage needs, photo or video shoots, news/press releases and stories, social media posts or anything related to marketing and communications for the College.
Before submitting your request:
- Be prepared to describe what you want to accomplish (not how), who your intended audience will be and provide any budgetary considerations (do you have funding for this project).
- Consider your timeline. Requests may be denied if we are not able to meet your needs within the given schedule (you may still ask for a consultation so we can recommend other options).
- Be prepared to schedule an initial meeting or call with Creative Services to plan a course of action.
Submit a request:
- Following the initial meeting, be prepared to provide any collateral information or resources that might relate to the project.
- If you are submitting text, please proofread all text before submitting to Creative Services. Follow the University of Hawai‘i Style Guide for abbreviations, numbers, use of diacritical marks and all things pertaining to styles for written communications.
- Follow the Leeward style guide for all things pertaining to Leeward visual and communication styles.
Process to order SWAG
Follow these instructions if you would like to order your own promotional items (SWAG). To request items from our existing inventory, use this form. Note: we grant requests based on our current inventory at the time and the intended recipients.
Email Tad Saiki for assistance with this process:
- We can ONLY use vendors from UH’s approved list. They are currently updating this list—please check with Tad Saiki for approved vendors.
- Get an estimate from the vendor for total NET charges, and prepare artwork samples.
- Email Jim Stein at the UH Athletic Dept. They manage collegiate licensing approvals now. Send him the cost estimate and artwork samples.
- He will check for compliance with UH graphics standards and licensing requirements. If approved, he will send you a copy of a royalty waiver.
- Once you have the UH approval and royalty waiver, you need to route the estimate and royalty waiver with a Form 136 for approvals (from div chair/admin of requesting area). The Form 136 is needed when purchasing protocol items with special, revolving, and/or endowment funds.
- After Form 136 is approved you may proceed with your order. Send the vendor a copy of the royalty waiver and tell them to upload your artwork to the Brand Manager 360 portal.
Social Media Policies and Procedures
(We encourage all faculty and staff to follow us and engage with our followers on each of these accounts. Helping us grow our following will only bring more exposure to Leeward and draw more interest from current and potential students.)
If you currently manage a social media account that is tied to the College, please notify us if you havenʻt already done so. The Marketing Office is ultimately responsible for all social media accounts that represent Leeward Community College.
- Official Leeward CC social media accounts (@LeewardCC):
- View UHCC Policy #2.211 Social Media Site and/or Account Use and Management
- UHCC Policy #2.211 and Leeward CC social media procedures only apply to social media accounts created to represent Leeward groups, departments, programs, entities, etc. and does not apply to private individual accounts. For instructional use of social media sites, faculty do not need to use the official presence on various social media sites and can use these tools freely to support teaching and learning activities.
- A program, group or unit is encouraged to consider using the College’s established social media presence for posting information rather than setting up a separate account. This approach offers a more integrated user experience for our external audience and provides the added benefits of a larger audience, cross-promotions and, for sites like Flickr and YouTube, the ability to upload larger files.
- Social media sites should not be considered replacements for web pages on the College’s website.
- Your department or program can be an active social media participant without having to administer a separate social media account. This can be accomplished in two ways:
- (1) submit information/content to Creative Services through the Project Request Form for distribution on College social media sites; or
- (2) set up a personal account in a social media network and participate in the conversation/sharing on the College’s sites.
- Be sure to read UHCC Policy #2.211 before submitting your request.
Creative Services is also able to create social media feeds to post on the college website. Here are some examples: Sustainable Agriculture, Culinary Arts, Kīpuka, Native Hawaiian Center at Pu‘uloa. Let us know if you would like to set this up for your area.
Weekly Leeward Bulletin
The weekly campus Bulletin goes out every Monday during the Spring and Fall semesters, starting from the week before instruction begins and ending with the week of finals. This Bulletin goes to all Leeward faculty and staff and is meant for internal sharing of information, events, stories and campus news.
To submit an entry for our Bulletin, please send in your request no later than 4:00pm on the Thursday before the following Monday edition.

- Collegiate Licensing
- Creative Services Request Form
- Leeward CC Digital Swag
- Leeward CC Official Seal and Nameplate
- Leeward CC Style Guide
- Leeward CC Website Training Manual and Style Guide
- Media Release Form
- Protocol item (SWAG) Request Form
- UHCC Policy #2.211 Social Media Site and/or Account Use and Management
- University of Hawai‘i Graphics Standards
- University of Hawai‘i Style Guide
- Zoom Backgrounds for UH Colleges
Contact Us
Tad Saiki
Marketing Specialist
Room BE 225
(808) 455-0531
Erin Maruoka
Marketing Specialist
Room BE 225
(808) 455-0524