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Office of Planning, Policy and Assessment

OPPA was established in the Fall of 2007. We are part of the office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.

Our Mission

Promote institutional effectiveness by developing, communicating, and maintaining an infrastructure for ongoing planning, policy-making, assessment, institutional research, and grant/contract acquisition and coordination. OPPA provides coordinated assistance to Leeward administrators, faculty, and staff with respect to:

  • Annual program reviews, comprehensive program reviews, and institutional budget planning
  • Course learning, program learning, and service area outcomes assessment
  • Institutional research and data
  • Grant acquisition, development, and management
  • Campus policy development and review

Contact us for more information or assistance.


Our goal is to coordinate the campus-wide Integrated Planning and Budgeting process each academic year, specifically:

  • OPPA provides program coordinators, division chairs, and unit heads with coordinated assistance to complete the Annual Report on Program Data, Comprehensive Review and Evaluation, and Resource Request.
  • OPPA also works with the governance group executives and administration team to ensure the appropriate consultations, communications, and decisions are made in determining the Institutional Priorities List for funding.


OPPA provides:

  • Instructions on submission procedures and deadlines
  • Report templates
  • Trainings, one-on-one assistance, and resources to help you complete your reports
  • Institutional data
  • Prior ARPDs and CREs for your reference

ARPD and CRE Resources

Institutional Research

Our goal is to provide you with timely access to high quality institutional data to help inform your work.


Our Institutional Analyst provides:

  • Assistance in determining what data is available to help answer your questions
  • Data pulls & in-depth analyses of data based on your requests
  • Data Dashboards
  • Coordination of campus-wide surveys


Institutional Data

View Leeward CC and UH System data


Our goal is to help you assess and evaluate your courses, programs, and service areas in order to improve student learning and/or your service area’s ability to achieve its goals.


Our Institutional Assessment Specialist can help you:

  • Create and/or revise learning and service area outcomes (SLOs/CLOs, PLOs, SAOs).
  • Create and implement a plan for assessing or evaluating your outcomes.
  • Enter your learning outcomes assessment data into the campus Assessment Management System (AMS).
  • Pull reports from the AMS.
  • Configure your Course Evaluation System (CES) (i.e., add/modify questions).
  • Help students and instructors troubleshoot CES


Our goal is to help you develop and manage new grants in order to support innovation at Leeward CC.


OPPA helps you:

  • Understand what grants are available to fund your idea.
  • Develop your idea into a high quality proposal.
  • Submit your proposal via online grant submission systems (MyGrant, Grants.gov, Fastlane).
  • Manage your award successfully.
  • Maintain communication with your funder.
  • Obtain procurements and contracts.

There’s no one better to write grants for our college than our own people. We know what our students, colleagues, and communities need and have a vested interest in ensuring the success of our objectives.

Leeward is especially the best training ground for grant writing because in addition to encouraging innovative ideas, there is a tremendous support network available to guide you throughout the process.

So, if you have a dream, grant writing is a viable means to make that dream become reality.

Erin Thompson

Coordinator, Innovation Center for Teaching and Learning


Camden Barruga

Summer Barrett

OPPA Coordinator
Phone: (808) 455-0597
Email: summerl@hawaii.edu

Princess Soares

Princess Soares

Institutional Analyst
Phone: (808) 455-0598
Email: pfrederi@hawaii.edu