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Universal Design for Learning: Inclusivity for All

It is important to create adaptable and flexible educational materials that can accommodate a diversity of learning styles and individual needs. The Educational Media Center uses Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as our framework to design learning to be as inclusive as possible from the very beginning.

Accessibility of online materials is one aspect of UDL. View the following information and resources to learn why and how to create accessible documents, media, and websites for your courses that can help fortify student potential and abilities by designing learning materials and experiences that are not only accessible, but inclusive for all.

University of Hawai‘i’s Commitment to Accessibility

As a campus of the University of Hawaii (UH) System, we are all responsible to follow the accessibility guidelines set by the UH System. Stay up-to-date with UH’s Plan for New Online Content and Functionality and their information and resources for accessibility and creating accessible content.

Professional Development and Support


We facilitated several workshops to support instructors and staff in implementing UDL and accessibility at Leeward CC. Below are a couple of recorded/archived workshops.

  • “Making Online Documents Accessible” – A workshop that provides a foundational overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how Web Accessibility fits into the overall UDL framework. It also provides some basic web accessibility practices for text and images. This workshop is now available as a resource you can review on your own.
  • “Accessibility: Captioning Online Videos with YouTube” – A workshop that provides the basics on captioning videos in YouTube.

Furthermore, we highly recommend checking out UH’s Creating Accessible Content which includes how-tos and tools to create accessible documents (including Google Docs), media, websites, and access various accessibility trainings.

Support and Accommodations

The resources on this site encourage a proactive design approach. If you are an instructor and have questions or need support with UDL or creating accessible instructional materials, please contact the EMC.

If you are a staff member or have students with questions about disability support services or need support, please contact the Disabilities Services Office.

Assistive Technologies

Assistive Technologies

As a higher education institution, we are committed to provide accessible learning materials and technologies for students with disabilities. However, we aim to go beyond simply providing accessible information. Our goal is to ensure learning materials and experiences are inclusive of all. View our list of commonly used assistive technologies below and also UH’s list of assistive technology software and devices.

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Assistive Technologies

Screen Readers and Reading Apps (Text-to-Speech)


  • Windows – Speech Recognition is built into the Windows OS
  • Mac – Diction is built into the MacOS
  • Mobile – any app that uses a keyboard has a microphone icon that will turn on speech-to-text
  • Google Docs(link is external) – enable speech-to-text in Google Docs
  • Microsoft Word(link is external)  – short video on using MS Word speech-to-text


  • Magnifying glass app (or a free app) – on mobile devices that allows you to read small print
  • Zoom/Magnifier on mobile device to magnify the screen
  • ZoomText – Magnifier/Reader enlarges and enhances everything on your computer screen, echoes your typing and essential program activity, and automatically reads documents, web pages, email. ($875)

Live Captioning

Relay Services

  • Pedius (link is external)– write your message on your phone and it speaks it to your contact using an artificial voice (for deaf and hard of hearing)
  • BeSpecular (link is external)– helps visually impaired using the phones camera to show the information to BeSpecular service who speaks or texts the response

Transcription and Subtitles

Assistive Technology Tools Viewed Through UDL Lens

30+ Tools for Diverse Learners by UDL Network(link is external) – Engagement, Representation, and Action/Expression

Instructional Technology Accessibility Statements

It’s a good practice to include the accessibility statements of instructional/educational technology tools that you use in your courses in your syllabus and/or course sites.

Commonly used accessibility statements:

Additional Resources

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Designing for Accessibility
Keep your Student record updated

Meet with my academic advisor

  • Make sure you’re going to meet all of your degree requirements.

Keep your student record updated.

Web Accessibility Checkers
Self-Paced Courses/Training