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Quickstart Guide for Leeward Employees

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View a list of frequently called numbers and office locations of key areas on campus.

About Leeward CC

Aerial view of campus looking out toward Diamond Head

College Organization and Governance

Descriptions of Leeward and UH leadership, plus our organizational charts and information about key groups on campus.

  • Organizational Charts: Charts that provide the structure of the divisions, departments, and positions of Leeward Community College and how each is connected to one another.
  • Shared Governance Policy: Any individual or group of individuals on campus has the right to provide views on any issue important to them. The College shall educate the faculty and staff of this right and provide opportunities for faculty and staff to provide input. Administrators shall demonstrate a willingness to incorporate a large amount of faculty and staff input into decision-making, especially relating to academic policies, academic procedures, and financial and budgetary matters. Administrators and other decision-makers shall provide reasons for decisions that are contrary to the wishes of constituency groups and other recommending bodies.
  • UH Board of Regents (BOR): This body is responsible for setting UH directions, priorities, budgets, and policies; entering into contracts and financial agreements; and appointing the executive staff of the University. The BOR is comprised of fifteen community members appointed by the Governor of the State of Hawai‘i and confirmed by the legislature.
  • Vice President for UH Community Colleges: Responsible for executive leadership, policy decision-making, resource allocation, and development of appropriate support services for the University’s seven community colleges.
  • Chancellor: The Chief Executive Officer of Leeward CC. Responsibilities include setting the institutional goals of the College, ensuring the efficiency of its operations, representing the College at the legislature and in public forums, and providing vision and leadership. The Chancellor’s Office also manages institutional fund raising, marketing, and public relations.
  • Vice Chancellors:
    • The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer is responsible for the overall management of instructional programs and student and academic services including off-campus sites.
    • The Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services is responsible for the planning, organizing, and directing of all administrative support services relating to budget and financial management, personnel administration, procurement and property management, facilities planning, renovation, and maintenance, security, and Auxiliary Services.
  • Deans and Directors:
    • The Dean of Arts & Sciences handles the administration of academic programs. This dean assists with personnel matters and coordinates the activities of the Arts and Humanities, Language Arts, Math and Sciences, and Social Sciences Divisions. This dean also oversees the management and administration of the Native Hawaiian Student Support Center and the Office of International Programs.
    • The Dean of Career and Technical Education handles the administration of career and technical education programs. This dean oversees the Business Division, Professional Arts and Technology Division, the Wai’anae Moku Education Center, the Wahiawa Value Added Product Development Center and the Office of Workforce Development (OWD).
    • The Dean of Academic Services is responsible for the management of academic services units including the Educational Media Center, Learning Resource Center, Library, Information Technology Group, Innovation Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Leeward CC Theatre.
    • The Dean of Student Services is responsible for the administration of all student support services units including Admissions and Records, Counseling and Advising, Early College, Financial Aid, Health Center, HINET, Job Prep Services, Recruitment, and Student Life Activities.
    • The Director of Planning, Policy, and Assessment is responsible for the college-wide planning efforts, developing and coordinating policy, and coordinating institutional assessment and analysis. More specifically, the director oversees institutional research services, coordinates policy development and institutional assessment, facilitates the planning process, and ensures the College’s policies and procedures are current.
  • Division Chairs: Each instructional division has a chair who is a member of the faculty, elected by the division’s faculty, recommended by the Dean, and appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Chancellor. In addition to teaching, with the assistance of discipline program coordinators, the Chair coordinates teaching assignments, plans course schedules, oversees the division budget and personnel, evaluates the performance of instructors and lecturers, is a conduit of information to and from the administration and the division, and performs related duties as assigned.
  • Shared Governance Groups: Includes the Administrative Support Group, APT Group, Campus Council, Faculty Senate, Lecturer Mentor Group, Pūkoʻa No Nā ʻEwa Council, Operations & Maintenance Group, and ASUH-Leeward.

Institutional Information

Exterior of ED building at twilight
  • Accreditation: Learn about our accreditation through the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) and program specific accreditations.
  • Leeward CC Annual Reports of Program Data: The ARPD are analyses of assessment findings in student learning outcomes and program effectiveness. The comprehensive reviews and analysis culminate in tactical plans and resource requests.
  • Leeward CC Course Availability: The list of available courses is only available online.
  • Leeward CC Catalog: The catalog lists academic, admissions, and related policies, as well as a description of programs and courses. A hard copy can be printed from the Copy Center.
    Leeward CC Strategic Plan: This document provides direction for the college’s continued growth and development. Information on the new plan can be found on the College website.

Instructional Information

Collage of automotive, sustainable agriculture, and ICS students and professors
  • Faculty Classification Plan: A full description of faculty duties and responsibilities from the University of Hawai‘i Classification Plan.
  • Academic Freedom and Responsibility: Excerpts from the current Agreement between the University of Hawai‘i Professional Assembly (UHPA) and the Board of Regents of the University of Hawai‘i stat
  • Testing Information (Test Center): Including Accuplacer Testing and re-testing, plus EdReady (an alternative placement program that students can do at home).
  • Non-Instructional Teaching Equivalents (Release Time/Assigned Time): Release/Assigned time is a reduction in teaching load provided to perform a non-teaching duty in lieu of part of a faculty member’s teaching assignment. Release/assigned time may include but is not limited to:
    • major curriculum revision
    • new program development
    • research and development in teaching pedagogy
    • program coordinators
    • development of major grant or contract proposals
    • institutional service
    • selected campus chairs (e.g. Faculty Senate Chair, Curriculum Committee Chair, Division Chairs) • providing expert technical assistance to federal, state, county and other agencies that serve the public and benefit the college
  • Student Attendance: Faculty have a responsibility to report the last date of attendance of students and/or last date of assignment submission for students not receiving a passing grade in the course. This information is required to comply with college and federal regulations. Faculty members’ attendance policy should appear in their course outline and be reviewed with the class.
  • Class Changes Requested by Faculty/Lecturer: Although not common practice, changes in mode of delivery, classroom location, meeting time, and/or dates must be approved by the Division Chair.
  • Class Lists: available via the MyUH portal system.
  • Class Syllabus/Outline: All course syllabi/outline must include the approved core outline for that course from the Kuali Student Curriculum Management (KSCM). First time instructors should submit their course syllabus/outline to the discipline/program coordinator or Division Chair. The first page of the course outline or syllabus must contain: the title, alpha and number, course description, number of credits, prerequisites, and student learning outcomes. In addition, each syllabus must contain grading policies, textbook information, instructor’s name, office location, contact information, and office hours.
    The course outline/syllabus is shared with students by the first class meeting. This allows them to make decisions about time management and to share in the responsibility for their own success in the class. Copies of the syllabus should be submitted to the division office, where it will be kept on file. See the Division Secretary for specific policies of the individual division.
  • Commencement Ceremony information
  • Contract Renewal, Tenure & Promotion: Faculty should thoroughly familiarize themselves with procedures for contract renewal, tenure, and promotion. Read relevant articles in the Board of Regents and University of Hawai‘i Professional Assembly Union Agreement, attend workshops held each semester, make note of deadlines, and talk with the Division Chair/Unit Head, Division Personnel Committee, and/or other senior faculty. Faculty may ask to read the dossiers of successful applicants to use as models.
  • Curriculum Modifications and Course/Program Proposals: This page has information for faculty members who are interested in proposing a new course/program or modifying an existing course/program. Consult your discipline coordinator and/or division chair for guidance.
  • Faculty/Lecturers Absence from Class: Faculty and lecturers must notify their Division/Unit Secretary and Division Chair/Unit Head when they will be absent from class so that students are informed. The online Leave of Absence/Sick Leave form must be completed upon return. Absences due to illnesses of more than five consecutive days require a medical certificate from a licensed physician that must be submitted through the online leave of absence form.
    Faculty and lecturers may be absent from class for professional reasons (e.g., attending a conference). Requests must be approved in advance by their Division Chair and appropriate arrangements for student learning must be made. Students or non-employees of the College must not be left in charge of a class.
  • Faculty Off-Island Travel During Duty Period: Faculty must receive approval from their Division Chair in advance when they will be traveling off-island during duty period.
  • Field Trips: Risk and Release forms must be completed and signed by all participating students prior to any off-campus field trip. These forms are available from Division Secretaries.
  • Final Examination Period: Faculty members should check the schedule of courses for the time of their final exams. Comprehensive finals should be given during the published time period assigned by the college. It is not acceptable to schedule final exams early without the approval of the Division Chair.
  • Grading Policy: The College’s grading policy is discussed in detail in the College Catalog. If the student earns a non-passing grade, (F, I, I/F, or NC), the student’s last date of attendance or last date of assignment submission must be provided.
  • Lamakū Learning Management System: Lamakū is the University of Hawaii’s online collaborative learning environment. You can use Lamakū to organize class materials, communicate with your students (including feedback on assignments and grades), reduce paper use, and increase student engagement for your online and face-to-face classes.
  • Language Access Training: All employees in Academic Services, Student Services, and Campus Security are strongly recommended to complete the UH Language Access Training provided by Leeward’s Language Access Coordinators. Watch the training video and complete the Language Access Review Form to earn your certificate.
    Volunteer as a Language Ambassador: Are you fluent in more than one language? Consider serving as a Leeward Language Ambassador. Email Kelly Kennedy for more information.
  • Participation Verification: Information about a University-wide policy that requires all students to attend or participate by the end of the late registration period for that term (generally the first week).
  • Office Hours: The office hour(s) is the time when faculty are available in their offices to meet with students. Faculty must schedule a minimum of one office hour per week for each class they teach. Those teaching modular, laboratory, or other variations may need to adjust their office hours accordingly.
    Office hours should be scheduled at a time that is reasonably convenient for students. Office hours should be listed in the course syllabus/outline and posted outside the faculty member’s office door. Copies of the scheduled office hours are also given to the Division Secretary at the beginning of each semester.
  • Peer Evaluations: The guidelines for contract renewal require two peer evaluations per semester for probationary faculty. Some divisions assign peer evaluators; some leave it to the instructors to ask their peers. Tenured faculty members are expected to present peer evaluations when applying for promotion.
    Lecturers are also required to obtain peer evaluations based on their step. Step A Lecturers are expected to have one peer evaluation each semester. Step B and Step C Lecturers are expected to have one peer evaluation each calendar year.
    It is recommended to have at least one peer evaluation each semester from someone in your discipline/area or a closely related discipline/area. It is also recommended that tenured faculty perform the peer evaluations. If there is a question, consult with your Division Chair/Unit Head before selecting a peer evaluator. Most evaluators appreciate advance scheduling and find it helpful to receive a copy of the course outline/syllabus with information about the scheduled lesson they will observe.
  • Prerequisites: The main objective of prerequisites is to improve a student’s opportunity for success by requiring them to have appropriate reading, writing, and math skills before entering various courses. Students are screened for appropriate prerequisites during registration. Consult with your discipline/program coordinator or division chair before overriding a prerequisite for a student.
  • Record of Outside Employment: In accordance with the Bargaining Unit 07 agreement, faculty may engage in outside employment for additional compensation. A faculty member shall inform the Division Chair/Coordinator one week before the commencement of each semester or whenever a change in outside employment is proposed. A faculty member engaged in consulting, contract or private employment during the duty period shall not exceed one (1) day or an accumulation of eight (8) hours per calendar week excluding Sundays and holidays of outside employment.
  • Sabbaticals and Professional Improvement Leaves: Tenured faculty members are eligible for a sabbatical leave after completion of six years or twelve semesters of full time creditable service with the university. Clerical and APT employees who have served six continuous years may qualify for sabbatical leave of absence/professional improvement leave. Faculty and staff should consult their respective contracts for details on sabbaticals and other types of leave. See your Division Chair/Unit Head and/or the Human Resources Office with additional questions. The deadline to apply for sabbaticals during the following academic year is December 31 (semester or annual leave requests will be considered). Requests should be turned in to your Division Chair/Unit Head.
  • Student Evaluations of the Instructor: Probationary faculty and lecturers are required to have student evaluations completed for every class, every semester. Tenured faculty members are encouraged to conduct student evaluations and include them in applications for promotion and the senior faculty evaluation applications.
    Several different student evaluation forms and formats are available. Faculty members are encouraged to choose the form and format that best suits their discipline and approach. The discipline/program coordinators or division chair can help with this decision. Forms are available from the division secretary.
    The evaluation should be administered during the last two weeks of class instruction. It is recommended that fifteen minutes be allowed for the process, and faculty must inform students that faculty will not see the evaluations until after grades have been submitted.
    Faculty must not remain in the room while students complete their evaluations. A student is selected as a monitor. The directions for the monitor are on the cover sheet of the envelope containing the evaluations.
  • Summer School: Instructors and lecturers may teach during summer sessions for additional compensation. The division chairs have authority on summer teaching assignments.
  • Teaching Assignments: In accordance with UHPA Bargaining Unit 07’s agreement, the standard teaching assignment for full-time instructional faculty is 27 teaching equivalents in an academic year. An instructor may teach up to six teaching equivalents as an overload in an academic year. The division chairs have authority on teaching assignments.
  • Textbook Adoption: Divisions vary in their methods for adopting textbooks. Faculty may have the choice made for them, or they may be expected to select their own textbook. Instructors have the option of adopting no-cost textbooks. Contact your discipline/program coordinator or division chair for more information.
  • Writing Intensive (WI) Courses: Writing Intensive courses use writing as a primary tool for learning and are required for degrees in the UH System. Leeward CC requires two WI courses for the AA degree, while BA and BS degrees at UH-Manoa require five WI courses. WI courses are marked with a WI in the course schedule and enroll a maximum of 20 students. Instructors teaching courses with the WI designation must meet a number of specific criteria. Instructors wishing to propose a course for WI designation should contact their Division Chair or the Chair of Leeward CC’s Writing Intensive Focus Board.

Union Information

Information on Bargaining Units. The Human Resources Office provides a copy of these documents for new employees. Other members can obtain a copy through their shop stewards or from their respective union office.

Employee Awards and Recognition

Carlos Penaloza, Michael Oishi and Michelle Igarashi

Leeward recognizes the outstanding performances of our faculty, lecturers, and staff via various awards. Candidates are nominated by faculty, staff, and/or students and selected by a committee or panel made up of administrators, faculty, staff, students, and former winners. These prestigious awards are bestowed at the Mahalo Celebration in the Spring Semester.

Key Campus Resources and Areas

Collage of military, Early College, and international students
  • Innovation Center for Teaching and Learning (ICTL)
  • Kapūnāwai: The Hawai‘i-Pacific Resource Room in the Library, is a multi-functional space that seeks to perpetuate knowledge of Hawaiʻi and the Pacific at Leeward CC. Kapūnāwai offers print and digital resources, librarian-assisted research assistance, educational and art displays, and events related to Hawai‘i and the Pacific Islands.
  • Lactation Room, GT 212: A private space for nursing mothers to express breast milk for their babies is available for students, faculty, and staff on the Pearl City campus. Please contact (808) 455-0213 ahead of time to schedule use of the room and to pick up the key.
  • Learning Commons: Centrally located on campus and houses the Library, Learning Resource Center (LRC) and the Writing Center.
  • Mailroom (Auxiliary Services)

Information for Employees

Keep your Student record updated

Meet with my academic advisor

  • Make sure you’re going to meet all of your degree requirements.

Keep your student record updated.

General Information


Elevators are located in the following buildings: Arts and Music, Campus Center, Theatre, Learning Commons, and the Education Building. See the campus map for specific locations. If an elevator is locked or out of service, contact Security at (808) 455-0611.

Emergency Situations

If you become aware of bomb threats, fires, or other emergency situations, please contact Campus Security at Pearl City Campus (808) 455-0611 or extension 611; Wai‘anae Moku Education Center (808) 455-0711 or extension 711; or the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services at (808) 455-0213 or (808) 455-0214. If College officials become aware of an emergency situation, the campus community will be notified via the UH Alert emergency notification system (text and email) and by social media.

Employee ID Cards

For new employees, an ID application is included with their new hire forms in NeoGov. Once the ID application is completed, Human Resources contacts the new employee to schedule an appointment to take their picture. If existing employees need a new ID card, they can complete the ID Card Application and submit it to HR.

Equipment Disposal & Purchasing

Do not dispose of any equipment without contacting your division/unit secretary or supervisor. There are campus policies on equipment disposal. Offices may choose to send out a campus-wide email offering the equipment to others. New equipment is obtained by following the procurement and disbursement process. The procurement documents are reviewed to ensure availability of funds, compliance with State and Federal regulations, required approvals, and reasonableness of purchases. Faculty and staff should contact their division/unit secretary for assistance in purchasing equipment.


If you are injured while working at Leeward CC, submit an industrial injury report within three working days of the injury to the Human Resources Office (AD 121) via your supervisor. All other (non-employee) claims for injuries or damages can be reported on a Claim for Damage or Injury Form at the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services (AD 213).

Lost and Found

LA 238; (808) 455-0611
Lost and found items may be turned in or reported to the Security Office.

Money Services

  • A First Hawaiian Bank ATM is located in the Uluwehi Cafe.
  • University of Hawai‘i Federal Credit Union (UHFCU): Faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the University of Hawaiʻi system are eligible for membership in the UHFCU. For more information, contact the UHFCU at (808) 983-5500, option 0 or toll free at (800) 927-3397.


Parking at Leeward CC is free for faculty, staff, and students and requires a parking permit issued by Administrative Services. Anyone in possession of a parking permit may park anywhere in the parking lot except in areas painted red, yellow, or in designated reserved stalls.

Please observe the posted speed limit on campus and stop signs. The Hawai‘i Revised Ordinance states that only vehicles with valid disability placards displayed can park in accessible stalls. HPD may give citations and tow vehicles illegally parked in an accessible stall. There is also a campus towing policy in effect for vehicles improperly parked.

Weekdays: Most gates are locked at 9:00 p.m. except for Gate 3, which is locked at 11:00 p.m.

Weekends and holidays: All gates are locked except for Gate 3. If you are locked in the lot after hours, contact Security at (808) 455-0611.

Parking Passes for Other UH Campuses

There is a charge for parking at some of the other campuses in the UH System. If you plan to attend a college related/official business function at one of the other campuses, you may request a parking pass through your respective Dean’s or Director’s Office.

(SWAG) Protocol Items

Creative Services (Marketing Office) maintains a small inventory of branded Leeward CC items to use as giveaways for prospective students, special guests and community partners, current student incentives, and other recruitment opportunities. Visit the Creative Services on the Intranet to learn about how to request these items or order some for your own area of the College.

Campus Security

LA 238; (808) 455-0611
Campus Security is on duty 24 hours, seven days a week, to enforce Federal, State, and City and County laws as well as University of Hawai‘i regulations. Officers are trained in First-Aid and CPR for emergency situations. They do not carry firearms. Criminal incidents are referred to the Honolulu Police Department.

Campus security provides walking escort service for anyone walking on campus at night. An escort can be summoned to your location by calling Security at ext. 611.
There is a blue call box located on the outside wall of the Security Office at LA 238. View the locations of blue Emergency Call Boxes located throughout the campus that will connect the caller with Security 24 hours a day.

UH Alert

The UH Alert emergency notification system alerts the university community in the event of a natural, health or civil emergency. Emergency notifications are delivered via email and text messaging. You need to sign-up online to receive these notices. This is the best way to keep informed about campus closures and emergency situations at Leeward.

Communications, Technology, Facilities and Maintenance

Campus Communications

There are several channels of communication on this campus. Division Chairs/Unit Heads are responsible for keeping their faculty, lecturers, and staff informed:

  • The Leeward Website: our main public-facing online resource.
  • The Leeward Intranet: a website created for Leeward CC faculty, lecturers, and staff. It covers everything from campus resources to budget and governance.
  • Leeward Events Calendar: post events and workshops on our public events calendar. Only events relating to the College will be accepted (no personal events).
  • Campus information and announcements are disseminated through two email listservs:
  • The Bulletin: a weekly e-newsletter that goes out to all Leeward employees on Mondays during the Spring and Fall semesters.
  • @LeewardCC on social media: use this handle to find and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and TikTok.
  • Campus mail is collected and distributed once a day. Every faculty and staff member has a mailbox, usually located in their division/unit office.
  • Campus phones have voicemail allowing faculty and staff to send and receive messages 24 hours a day, on and off-campus.
  • Fax machines are available in most division/unit offices and also in the Administration building next to the Human Resources Office. See one of the secretaries in AD 107 for directions on its use.
  • Campus bulletin boards are available throughout the campus to publicize upcoming events and other campus and community information. Check the Student Life website for information about posting.
  • Ka Mana‘o is the campus’ student-produced publication. This publication is produced quarterly by Leeward CC student writers, photographers and graphic designers. Ka Mana‘o is distributed on campus and can also be read online.
  • The newsblog of the University of Hawai‘i System, News@UH, is emailed weekly to faculty and staff.


  • Computers: Leeward CC will do our best to provide all full-time employees with a computer device that is not older than five years old. The device is either a laptop/desktop, Mac/Windows. Faculty and staff should contact their division/unit secretary or Chair if they have any questions.
  • Telephone Request and Resources: Visit the Information Technology Group page on our Intranet for assiatance with installing a new phone, relocating an existing phone, or other changes.

Facilities and Maintenance

Monday-Friday, 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
(808) 455-0275

The Facilities Maintenance staff maintains the physical facilities, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing systems, and performs painting, carpentry, and minor repairs. They also maintain fire alarms and install safety equipment and handle repairs of lights, fans, furniture, toilets, and sinks. Work requests can be made online (min. five days advance notice). The grounds staff maintains landscaped areas and assists faculty and staff with planting needs.

  • Facilities Use: In addition to class usage, Leeward CC makes available the majority of its facilities (i.e., theatre, cafeteria, classrooms, outdoor courtyards, recreational facilities) to college constituencies and the community. Rental fees are typically assessed to non-University of Hawai‘i affiliated groups. For information about facilities use and reservations, visit the Leeward CC website.
  • Janitorial Services: Monday-Friday. 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m., (808) 455-0276
    Janitors are responsible for general cleaning, picking up of trash and materials for recycling, changing light bulbs, moving furniture (e.g., tables and chairs), and assisting in event set-up. Each building on campus has a janitor assigned to clean the building. When the regular janitor is absent, another janitor will provide basic service for health and sanitation. Report any locations that have broken glass or hazardous materials, or other emergencies to the Janitorial Supervisor at (808) 455-0276. Work requests can be made online (minimum five days advance notice).

Mechanical Keys and Electronic Access Control Credentials

Requests for mechanical keys and/or Electronic Access Control credentials may be requested online.

Leeward CC Policy #L10.201 – Facilities Access Control Policy and Procedures

Where to Find Help

Leeward CC is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) employer and abides by all Federal and State laws and University policies that prohibit discrimination in College programs and activities. Several appointees assist in carrying out these responsibilities. All employees should be prepared to assist anyone with a complaint of discrimination by referring them to the appropriate College official.

Students or employees also have the right to file complaints with Federal or State agencies.

Policies and Procedures

Leeward CC operates under Federal and State laws, Board of Regents Policies, UH System-wide Executive Policies, and UH System-wide Administrative Procedures. All Leeward CC policies and links to system-wide policies can be found on our website.

Protecting the Rights of Students

  • Academic Grievance Procedure: Any student who believes that a faculty member has acted improperly or in a manner otherwise inconsistent with the faculty member’s responsibilities or the student’s customary academic expectations may initiate action to achieve a remedy. Read the Academic Grievance Procedure.
  • Due Process Requirements: The Student Conduct Code lists the procedures for faculty who suspect that academic dishonesty has occurred. The Code restricts grade penalties to students who admit dishonesty. Under the Student Conduct Code, faculty must report infractions to the Dean of Student Services. When a student does not admit dishonesty, faculty should be aware that they risk personal liability for a violation of a student’s right if a grade penalty is imposed without the due process described in the Code.

Protecting the Rights of Students, Employees, and Applicants

  • Discrimination Complaints: Discrimination against students, employees, and applicants for admission or employment as articulated in the Policy on Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action is prohibited and will not be tolerated by Leeward Community College. Violation of this Policy from any individual may subject a member of the University community to adverse treatment/action based on the protected category as set forth in the Policy.

Programs for Targeted Populations

Collage of military, Early College, and international students

The wide range of programs offered by Leeward CC demonstrates the College’s commitment to meeting the academic needs of its diverse population.

  • Bridge to Hope: Supported by a partnership between the Department of Human Services and the University of Hawai‘i, Bridge to Hope assists students with on-campus job placement and provides additional support services to help participants reach their educational goals. For more information, contact Laurie Libarios.
  • Disabilities Services Office (DSO): Provides support and services to students with documented disabilities.
  • Early College Programs: Leeward CC leads the UHCC system with the largest number of Early College students enrolled. Programs include Early Admit, Early College/MOA, and Running Start.
  • English as a Second Language (ESL): The ESL Program offers English classes for all levels of learners—beginning, intermediate, and advanced.
    In addition to classroom instruction in the English language and study skills, peer tutoring in the Writing Center and personal conferences with an ESL instructor are offered at all levels of this program.
  • Kīpuka Native Hawaiian Center at Puʻuloa: An academically rigorous and culturally rich kīpuka (a naturally formed oasis within a lava bed), which seeks to “inspire excellence, promote growth, and advance opportunities for Native Hawaiians.” Leeward CC’s Kīpuka is dedicated to improving the personal, academic, and career success rates of its Native Hawaiian students via culturally-focused initiatives.
  • Office of International Programs: promotes cross-cultural learning and appreciation through educational and study abroad programs serving Hawai‘i residents and international students.
  • Veterans Resource Center (VRC): This center helps veterans and active military students transition into college life and academic success. The VRC offers assistance in accessing VA benefits and VA healthcare through the Veteran Success on Campus (VSOC) and Veterans in Transition to Academic Leadership (VITAL) programs.